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Fundamental Data Widget

This is the React component for the Fundamental Data Widget


import { FundamentalData } from "react-ts-tradingview-widgets";
<FundamentalData colorTheme="dark" height={400} width="100%"></FundamentalData>

Used Public types#

ColorThemelight / dark
DisplayModeregular / compact / adaptive


symbolstringfalseNASDAQ:AAPLSets the default ticker symbol
colorThemeColorThemefalselightSets the default theme
isTransparentbooleanfalsefalseTransparent background for component
largeChartUrlstringfalseundefinedMake widget redirect to larger chart
displayModeDisplaymodefalseregularSets default Display mode
widthnumber/stringfalse480Sets a static width on the component
heightnumber/stringfalse830Sets a static height on the component
autosizebooleanfalsefalseSets the width and height to 100%
localeLocalesfalseenSets the default locale