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Mini Chart Widget

This is the React component for the Mini Chart Widget


import { MiniChart } from "react-ts-tradingview-widgets";
<MiniChart colorTheme="dark" width="100%"></MiniChart>

Used Public types#

ColorThemelight / dark
DateRange1D / 1M / 3M / 12M / 60M / ALL


symbolstringfalseFX:EURUSDDefault symbol for widget
widthnumber/stringfalse350Sets a static width on the component
heightnumber/stringfalse220Sets a static height on the component
localeLocalesfalseenSets the default locale
dateRangeDateRangefalse12MDefault date range of chart
autosizebooleanfalsefalseSets the width and height to 100%
colorThemeColorThemefalselightSets the default theme
trendLineColorstringfalsergba(41, 98, 255, 1)Sets default color of Price Line
underLineColorstringfalsergba(41, 98, 255, 0.3)Sets the default color of Under line area
underLineBottomColorstringfalsergba(41, 98, 255, 0)Sets under line bottom color
isTransparentbooleanfalsefalseTransparent background for component
largeChartUrlstringfalseundefinedMake widget redirect to larger chart
chartOnlybooleanfalsefalseShow only chart without header