symbols | string[][] | false | See here | |
chartOnly | boolean | false | false | Chart only in widget |
width | number/string | false | 1000 | Sets a static width on the component |
height | number/string | false | 400 | Sets a static height on the component |
autosize | boolean | false | false | Sets the width and height to 100% |
colorTheme | ColorTheme | false | light | Sets the default theme |
locale | Locales | false | en | Sets the default locale |
gridLineColor | string | false | #F0F3FA | Grid color |
fontColor | string | false | #787B86 | Font color |
fontSize | string | false | 10 | Font size in widget |
isTransparent | boolean | false | false | Transparent background for component |
showFloatingTooltip | boolean | false | true | Show floating tooltip |
scalePosition | ScalePosition | false | no | Scale position |
scaleMode | ScaleMode | false | Normal | Sets the scale type |
fontFamily | string | false | Trebuchet MS, sans-serif | Set the chart font |
noTimeScale | boolean | false | false | Include a time scale or not |
valuesTracking | ValuesTracking | false | 1 | Floating tooltip, Colored tooltip, Legend, Scale labels |
lineWidth | LineWidth | false | 3 | Width of ticker line |
showVolume | boolean | false | false | Show volume indicator |
volumeUpColor | string | false | rgba(34, 171, 148, 0.5) | Set the volume up color of the indicator |
volumeDownColor | string | false | rgba(247, 82, 95, 0.5) | Set the volume down color of the indicator |
dateFormat | DateFormat | false | dd MMM 'yy | Sets the date format in the widget |
timeHoursFormat | TimeHoursFormat | false | 24-hours | Sets the time format |
hideMarketStatus | boolean | false | false | Shows market status or not |
hideDateRanges | boolean | false | false | Hides or shows date ranges |
backgroundColor | string | false | rgba(19, 23, 34, 0) | Sets the background color in the widget |
widgetFontColor | string | false | rgba(216, 216, 216, 1) | Sets the font color in the widget |
chartType | ChartType | false | area | Sets the chart type |
lineColor | string | false | #2962FF | Sets the line color, chartType area only. |
bottomColor | string | false | rgba(41, 98, 255, 0) | Sets the bottom color, chartType area only. |
topColor | string | false | rgba(41, 98, 255, 0.3) | Sets the top color, chartType area only. |
upColor | string | false | #26a69a | Sets the default up color, chartType bars or candlesticks only |
downColor | string | false | #26a69a | Sets the default down color, chartType bars or candlesticks only |
borderUpColor | string | false | #26a69a | Sets the default borderUp color, chartType candlesticks only |
borderDownColor | string | false | #ef5350 | Sets the default borderDown color, chartType candlesticks only |
wickUpColor | string | false | #26a69a | Sets the default wickUp color, chartType candlesticks only |
wickDownColor | string | false | #ef5350 | Sets the default wickDown color, chartType candlesticks only |
container_id | string | false | symbol-overview-widget-container | Set container_id generated here |